#: locale=en ## Tour ### Title tour.name = Henry O'Leary Virtual Tours ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_393DB4E0_297B_D0E2_41A7_16FBE735318E.html =
Henry O'Leary

Real Estate Agents

Selling West Cork Property To People Worldwide

### Tooltip MapViewer.toolTip = Drag the image or the beam to move at your own pace. MapViewer_mobile.toolTip = Drag the image or the beam to move at your own pace. ## Media ### Title map_25FC5020_2966_EF61_41C3_ED36D4C70BF4.label = Shop_Floor_Plan panorama_2258A704_2967_D121_41BD_3F915324263C.label = Middle_Room panorama_225971D4_2967_D121_41C2_9D9E8A21356C.label = Front_Room panorama_251DBE6C_2966_53E2_4190_BAE507AFAECC.label = Back_Room